Pui Yiu Carol Mak

  • University of Oxford Croucher Scholarship in 2017 at University of Oxford

Carol graduated from University of Oxford with a Master of Mathematics and Computer Science (First Class Honours) degree in 2016.  After taking a gap year from academia and worked as an Engineer in ASTRI, Hong Kong, she will begin her D.Phil. in Computer Science, under the supervision of Prof. Luke Ong, in University of Oxford this coming October.

Her research interest is in semantics of computation, which is concerned with the development and analysis of mathematical structures that model computation using ideas and tools from mathematical logic. 


Carol's final year project in her undergraduate studies, under the supervision of Prof. Luke Ong, contributes to the proving of a completeness theorem.  This completed the Howard-Lambek correspondence for differential lambda-calculus, i.e. the relationship between differential lambda-calculus and differential lambda-category, and gained her the best project award of the year.

In October, she will start her doctoral research.  She intends to build on her final year project and assist in the development of the semantics of automatic differentiation.  By identifying the calculus that describes automatic differentiation, she aims to provide a clear understanding of how to implement a differentiable programming language. 

Carol Mak was featured in a Croucher news article. Read here:

Setting out to ensure computer programs work as intended